Contact AMC Manufacturing Co. Of Louisville, Kentucky
We are conveniently located near the Louisville International Airport and major interstates I-65, I-71, & I-64. We invite you to visit us and see first-hand why AMC Manufacturing should be your Metal Stamping partner of choice.
Get In Touch With AMC Manufacturing
4509 Illinois Ave
Louisville, KY 40213
AMC Manufacturing
Your One Stop Solution Provider
Tooling design, build, maintenance and part stamping, all within one resource.
In-House Tooling Maintenance
Keeps downtime to a minimum. Helps ensure on-time delivery.
Strategic Location
Located in Louisville at the I-65/ I-75/ I-64 Corridors, with major air hub.
Fast reaction time and flexible in our manufacturing process. (quick tooling changeover and set-up time)
Shorter lead times from design to tooling run-off. (first part submission)
Customer Focused
We’re big enough to handle just about any project while keeping our essential focus on customers daily needs.
Value Added Services
Offer additional value-added services i.e. part welding, custom deburring, kitting, assembly.
Long History of providing “Best in Class” service to major customers and markets including Appliance, Defense, Lawn & Garden, Furniture, Electrical and Transportation markets.

4509 Illinois Avenue, Louisville, KY 40213